
A Guide to Christian Quiet Time: Nurturing Your Relationship with God Through Prayer

Quiet time is a vital practice for Christians seeking to deepen their relationship with God. It’s a dedicated period each day for prayer, Bible study, and reflection, allowing you to connect with God...

Understanding Christian Marriage: A Sacred Covenant of Love and Commitment

Marriage is a sacred institution in Christian faith, symbolizing the covenantal relationship between Christ and the Church. Christian marriage is not just a legal contract but a holy union ordained by...

Effective Parenting: Key Strategies for Raising Confident and Resilient Children

Parenting is one of the most rewarding yet challenging roles in life. It requires a balance of love, discipline, and guidance to help children grow into confident, resilient, and well-adjusted...

COVID Awareness: Essential Information to Keep You Safe

The COVID-19 pandemic has drastically impacted global health, economies, and daily life. Understanding how to protect yourself and others from COVID is crucial in reducing the spread of the virus...

How do we explain the Trinity? _ Part 3

Recommended to read Part 1 before this article. Recommended to read Part 2 before this article Properties of the Nature of the Trinity and Distinctions in the Divine Essence The distinction of...

How do we explain the Trinity? _ Part 2

Recommended to read Part 1 before this article Mutual Indwelling of the Persons of the Trinity Without Mixing or Confusion The Arians misinterpreted the phrase “I am in the Father, and the...

How do we explain the Trinity? _ Part 1

The Father as the Beginning and Cause of the Personal Existence of the Son and the Holy Spirit “The Father is the beginningless beginning of the Son and the Holy Spirit, representing one of the...

St. Mary the mother of God

The Miracle at the Wedding at Cana The Wedding at Cana is one of the most renowned miracles performed by Jesus Christ, recounted in the Gospel of John (John 2:1-11). This event holds...

Our missionaries are here

Our missionaries arrived yesterday night. we are welcoming them. All of you are invited to attend our Christmas event. Keep tuned for the coming announcements...

Last Spiritual night

Our meeting and spiritual night for our congregation in Saint Mary and Saint George Church Hobor Accra We learned about Orthodox Church faith, a story from the bible and praised God🙏🏽 Our location...