Daily Bible Reading


The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full. 

John 10:10


 “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” — John 10:10 (NIV)

This powerful verse contrasts two opposing forces: the thief and Christ. The thief symbolizes anything or anyone that seeks to harm, deceive, or lead us away from God’s truth. The thief’s objective is destruction, whether it be through sin, fear, or despair. These are the forces that drain us of joy, purpose, and life itself.

In stark contrast, Jesus declares His purpose—to give us life, and not just any life, but life in abundance. This “full life” is not merely about material wealth or worldly success but about spiritual richness, inner peace, and eternal security. It’s a life filled with purpose, love, and connection to God.

When we meditate on this verse, we are invited to reflect on the areas of our lives where the “thief” might be at work. Are there habits, thoughts, or influences that are stealing our joy, killing our passion, or destroying our hope? Jesus calls us to recognize these thieves and turn to Him, the giver of abundant life.

In prayer, we can ask God to reveal these areas and to help us fully embrace the life He offers. We can meditate on the promise that through Christ, we can experience fullness—fullness of joy, of peace, and of life eternal.

Reflection Points:
  1. Identify the Thieves: Consider what might be stealing, killing, or destroying in your life. These could be negative thoughts, unhealthy relationships, or spiritual neglect.

  2. Embrace Abundant Life: Reflect on what it means to have life “to the full” in Christ. How can you live more fully in His love and purpose?

  3. Pray for Guidance: Ask God to help you remove the thieves in your life and to fill you with His abundant life.

Through this meditation, let the truth of John 10:10 resonate deeply in your heart, drawing you closer to the fullness of life that Jesus offers.


How to take a Quite time

The purpose of a quite time is to stay just with God, talk to him with the biblical words from the Bible or Agpeya & to listen back to the message that he will talk to you.

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